I have always liked the story of Nehmiah in the Bible.  He went back to rebuild the city walls of Jerusalem.  It was a difficult job and he had opposition.  He needed help in many areas to accomplish this task.  One job was for individuals to stand in the gaps of the wall to protect the city while the building was being done.  Thus, we have the term today when people ask for prayer they might say, “Will you stand in the gap for me?”  Another way of saying this would be, “Will you stand with me in faith during this difficult time?”  We have appreciated the thousands that have stood in the gap for Luke and our family the past five weeks.  God has used many of you to help us storm heaven’s gates for Luke’s healing.  GOD HAS HEARD OUR PRAYERS and is faithfully each day answering them one by one.  It is truly amazing to be witnessing a miracle taking place right before our eyes!


There is much to report since I left LA late Thursday to head home.  Friday Luke started on solid food and is eating everything in sight.  The doctor said that the first of the week the stomach tube comes out and closely followed by the removal of the trache!!  Friday, Luke participated in the Walk for Brain Injury that happens on the rehab campus.  It is a one mile walk and all the patients are encouraged to participate by walking or scrolling in their wheelchairs.  Luke walked with two friends from his workplace.  He walked about 2/3 of the way.  He continues to get stronger each day.  He is also getting his memory back more and more.  Bethany and I skyped with him today and were truly blessed as Luke is starting to testify of his healing.  He is thankful too for the many who prayed for him.  We continue to pray for full recovery in all areas.  Please continue to stand in the gap as we continue to see this miracle unfold.  Check out date from rehab is April 30th.  We are praying for the best way to get Luke home.  We are trusting God for His provisions.  At this time we are thinking we will try to get a direct flight and put Daniel and Luke in business class to have more room for Luke to rest.  Let us know if you have any resources.  We have checked out several specia flight companies but we don’t fit the requirements.



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  1. Theresa Barasch says:

    I am so happy to hear all the good news about Luke’s recovery. Every couple of days I go to your blog so I can read of the progress Luke is making.. God has truly blessed him not only with this miraculous recovery, but with a wonderful loving family.. God bless you, for all that you’ve done and for all your faith and for never giving up.. I am so happy for Luke and for your family.. God bless you all with health,peace and happiness.. Tell Luke, that all his friends in Brooklyn New York are praying for him…. With all our love, Theresa, Jack and little Jimmy Barasch
    P.S. jimmy isn’t that little any more, he’ll be 14 this summer and starting high school in September. He was also accepted into the performing arts program at the high school.. I hope that puts a smile on his face!..

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